, pub-4417961591688198, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: googledcc23757cdab3c4f.html How you can make money from trading effectively ~ bulls$treet

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How you can make money from trading effectively

If you are aiming to tap money from share trading the following golden rules to be followed.If not you will be in the market,but you will not make any money from the market and all your trading will be senseless and shameful. So consider and follow the points at early stage of your trading.

1.It is not late,believe that you can still make money from share trading.

2.If you want to make money from share trading, cut the ego first.

3.Do not simply stick on chart patterns.All candle sticks are hookers,because the market is already determined by 'news' and 'operation'.

4.Read the news and news and news.

5.Read the news in between the lines.

6.Do not simply follow TV channels, as they are already committed to their 'way of projecting' the news.

7.Do not try to keep yourself with cheap rated products and cheap service providers.

8.If you are sure of your trading or not confident on your decision making,leave your trading to professionals who do PMS service.

9.Do not over trade.Only one to four trading per day is enough

10.Read our blog posts,twitter status and facebook status to understand whats happening in market,sectors and particular stock.
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