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Positive coronavirus tests rise with age- US update

The White House coronavirus task force released a breakdown of testing data on Thursday, revealing that older Americans who are tested for the virus are more likely to test positive than other age groups.

Among people who were tested: 11 percent of those under 25 were positive.
17 percent of those between 25 and 45 were positive.
21 percent of those between 45 and 65 were positive.
22 percent of those between 65 and 85 were positive.
24 percent of those over 85 were positive.
Tests for the coronavirus are provided if people show symptoms such as a dry cough, fever or shortness of breath. Women are slightly more likely to get tested than men, although men seem to be more susceptible to the coronavirus, said Dr. Deborah Birx, the coronavirus response coordinator for the White House. Among women who were tested, 16 percent were positive; 23 percent of men who were tested had coronavirus infections. The data, while disturbing, does not come entirely as a surprise. Similar trends have been observed in China and Italy, where men were both infected and succumbed to the coronavirus at higher rates than women. “To all of our men out there, no matter what age group, if you have symptoms, you should be tested,” Dr. Birx said.
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